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General information

Having entered into force under SOLAS chapter XI-2, on 1 July 2004, the International Ship and Port Facility Security Code (ISPS Code) applies also on Latvian flagged vessels. 
European Parliament and Council has adopted regulation No. 725/2004 on enhancing ship and port facility security which determines application of the requirements of ISPS Code for ships engaged in international and domestic shipping. Based on this Regulation Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Latvia on 22nd December 2015 has adopted regulations No. 746 “Regulations Regarding the Division of Functions, Implementation and Supervision of Ships, Companies, Ports and Port Facilities Security”.  Under these regulations security evaluation and certification of Latvian flagged ships is done by Maritime Safety Inspectorate of Maritime Administration of Latvia.
On 30th august 2006 entered in to force Regulations No 683 issued by Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Latvia “Procedures for Ensuring the Operation of Ship Security Alert Communication Networks”, which determines operating conditions for ship security alert communication network (ship security alert system - SSAS).

Ship Security Certification 

Certification, security evaluation and fulfillment of requirements of ISPS Code for Latvian flagged ships engaged in international and domestic shipping is carried out by the Maritime Safety Inspectorate of Maritime Administration of Latvia in accordance with regulations No. 746 “Regulations Regarding the Division of Functions, Implementation and Supervision of Ships, Companies, Ports and Port Facilities Security”.
Further information about ship security certification process can be obtained in the Maritime Safety Inspectorate of Maritime Administration of Latvia.